My brown sugar was really giving me sass the other day.
I had decided to make Martha Stewart's chewy chocolate chip cookies with white and semisweet chocolate chips.
But lo and behold, my brown sugar was a brick. Seriously, I could break windows with that brown sugar. I could build homes with that sugar. It was ridiculous.
I googled all the tricks for softening brown sugar and found this one to work (sort of; the sugar still clumped like crazy):
1. Place sugar (still in bag) in the microwave alongside a cup of water.
2. Heat for 3 minutes.
Sugar should be softer after that.
The sugar hardens because of lost moisture; anyone have a storage tip for brown sugar to avoid this?
Anyways, I added the sugar to a stick of butter and granulated sugar. Then I beat it until it got "fluffy." I put fluffy in quote marks because if anything, the clumpy brown sugar just got clumpier until it looked like I was making a breakfast cereal. But whatever; you know me, I just steamroll ahead.
I folded the white and chocolate chips into the batter, dropped it in clumps on my cookie sheets and voila:
About these cookies: They were good, they tasted like cookies, they looked like cookies. But they were way cakier than they should have been; I'm figuring this has something to do with the butter temperature (it got very soft while I was wrestling with the brown sugar brick) and maybe the brown sugar?
I'm starting to realize I might have to actually learn what different ingredients do to achieve different consistencies. LOL. I'm sure you all just read that and said, "ABOUT TIME!"
Have a great weekend you guys! I think I'm going to try pizza again.
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