Meet My Princess: Part II

Meet My Princess: Part II

Meet My Princess: Part II{our contest entry}

This is my Westie, Duffie, and she's my princess. I've been her proud Mama since April 2007. When's her birthday, you ask? Valentine's Day of course! She's such a looker, and I'm pretty sure she knows it.

I swear there's a point to this...I entered her in a Twitter contest! There's an amazing dog artist, aptly named Dog Arteest that's hosting a monthly contest to win a free portrait of your pup. Aimee is so talented- her paintings are out of control. I WANT ONE SO BAD. What's better? She does them in 140. The winner is picked by Aimee, so please wish us luck!

Along with monthly contests, Aimee does commission work too. These paintings are more labor intensive, taking up to 30 hours! Here's some images from her recent commissions. Check out Aimee's site for more of her work.

Meet My Princess: Part IIAre you kidding me? How awesome is that Schnauzer?!?
Meet My Princess: Part IILook at that face!
portraits are from

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