If you don't know her, Dannielle hails from Australia, where she designs fabric based gifts and strives to create a handmade-friendly world through handmade gifts. Beyond that, she blogs on her website, DannielleCresp.com, and has written an e-book called Living Within Your Means. I'm over the moon that Dannielle's taken time out to share tips on how to live a more mindful life with us today.
Have you thought about "living within your means" and what it means to you? To me, it's about thinking before spending, and making sure I buy something that I will really love. By thinking about what I spend my hard-earned dollars on, I can enjoy the purchase much more. It also means no credit cards and only having debt that can't be avoided, like student loans and mortgages. That has let me put on the handbrake of overspending and ending up with purchases I'm luke-warm about.
So, how do we do that? Here are five steps to a more mindful life that you can start today:
- Budget for 'fun money' - If you like to buy yourself treats and new things, mindful living doesn't mean that you have to give them up; you just need to work out what you really have to spend and what you can buy within that budget.
- Save a little every payday - If you saved just 10% of your take home pay and put it in a savings account you'd be amazed how quickly it can grow into something significant.
- Take note how much you spend on the tiny purchases - It's the three coffees at the cafe everyday and the bought lunches that really catch up with you. Do yourself a favor and count up what you spend in a week on impulse purchases, it can really open your eyes.
- Think before you buy - If you're out shopping and you're not sure if you really need or want what you are considering buying, leave the shop. Go have a coffee or cold drink, sit and think about it, and only go back if it is something you really want.
- Dream big - Think about one of your ultimate financial goals, be it a nicely furnished house, a grand family holiday or a big trip overseas. If you make your dreams a priority and aim towards them you can focus your spending on giving you the life you really want.
If you enjoyed this, don't miss Dannielle's new e-book, Living Within Your Means. For more information, visit her on her blog at www.danniellecresp.com. Many thanks to Dannielle for stopping by!
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