My Starting Lineup: Part I

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My Starting Lineup: Part I

I'd like to tell you about my side of the bridal party. I'm honored to have 6 beautiful ladies who will be standing with me on our wedding day. They're from different parts of my life, with the majority being from Elon, but I think they're going to get along like best friends.

While I'm on this topic, I just want to point out how truly lucky I feel to have these women accept being a part of our wedding. There was a point in my life where I literally felt like I had no female friends. My sophomore year at Elon, I quit my sorority and spent the majority of my sophomore and junior year dealing with the repercussions of such a move. After saying so many times "how could it be any worse on the outside?", I soon realized that by being at a school of 5,000 things definitely were worse on the outside.

So I'm not someone who takes friendships lightly. I'm incredibly loyal, and would stand up for my friends until the end. I've always preferred to have 3 super close girlfriends, versus tons of acquaintances that'll just talk behind your back when you walk away. Some prefer the later, different strokes for different folks. All of this to say, I spent the greater part of college wondering if I would ever have any close friends, and if I could possibly let anyone get close to me again.

These girls stepped in and made me realize that true, honest friendships do exist. I'm forever thankful for them being a part of our life, and I can't imagine getting married without all of them being there. Without further rambling from me, here's the ladies...

Matron of Honor: Kate
We met at Elon. She's actually my big in our business fraternity (yeah, I know we're cool). Kate got married earlier this summer in Baltimore. She's an amazing MOH and she loves weddings just as much as I do! I'm lucky that she's just a car ride away.
My Starting Lineup: Part I
Maid of Honor: Dani
Dani and I met while studying abroad in Paris. We were roommates last year, and it was my best year in college. She's such an honest, loyal friend. She's super organized and I can trust her to keep all the bridesmaids on track. She's finishing up her senior year, before applying to dental school. And just because A) Dani hates red-eye, B) these pictures were too indicative of our relationship to pick one, and C) she reads my blog...I had to post these. I know you heart the top one, Dani! Good times :)My Starting Lineup: Part IMy Starting Lineup: Part I
Bridesmaid: Shannon
My future sister-in-law! Being an only child, I'm super duper excited to finally have a sister. Shanon is pretty much the best SIL I could ask for. She's honest, up front, and incredibly caring. She married Mr. SE's brother in 2007, and I'm sure she'll be able to let me know if I'm focusing too much on unimportant wedding deliciousness. Chivari chairs anyone?
My Starting Lineup: Part I

Bridesmaid: Nicole
We were assigned dorms on the same hall freshman year. Nicole has been there from the very beginning. We have so much in common (left-handed only children), and she was a really important part of my time at Elon. She's studying graphic design, so I can't wait to get her input on our design elements. Being a former pageant queen, I know she'll make sure all the bridesmaids have perfect hair and makeup for the big day!My Starting Lineup: Part I
Bridesmaid: Michelle
I've known Michelle the longest out of any of the bridesmaids. We met our freshman year in high school, while trying out for cheerleading. She gave me a pair of shorts when mine split down the butt. I knew she'd be in my wedding from the day we became friends, and I'm so happy that we've kept our friendship alive after almost 9 years! Shelly is the one that coined the phrase "starting lineup", and I've referred to our bridal party ever since.My Starting Lineup: Part I
Bridesmaid: Ashley
We met at Elon too! Ashley's in AKPsi with Kate, Dani, and myself. Ashley and I didn't really meet until junior year- but I'm so glad that we did. I have so much fun with her! We're planning a visit back to Elon this fall, and I cannot wait for the madness. Is someone making reservations at Monterey?
My Starting Lineup: Part I
Coming up in Part II, I'll reveal how I asked them to be in our wedding...

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